SIMTI – Italian Society of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology
“…a complex system of verification of the blood and hemocomƞonents able to check in time real correspondence between patient, test tube request blood, assigned unit and patient again.”
This event is a reference point and an opportunity for growth in the field of transfusion medicine. It allows to create new links between the various Italian Transfusion structures promoting the evolution of this discipline. The event was held with the formula online, due to the pandemic situation.
In correlation with what was discussed during this conference, it was published in the Blood Transfusion journal, the abstract relevant to the system scweb®: “Supporto informatico alla sicurezza trasfusionale”.
The authors are:
Fabrizio Niglio,Fabrizio Mori, Elena Mori, Domenica Pinto, Debora Chiarello, Elisa Virgilio, Davide Michela, Danila Pappalardo, Dipartimento delle Diagnostiche, Azienda USL Toscana Nord Ovest Livorno
“…in line with GPG and Transfusion Medicine Standards…”
For more information contact us:
ABS130 – Supporto informatico alla sicurezza trasfusionale